17 Simple Rules Your Hair Salon Should Have

Whether you like them or not, rules are necessary for all aspects of life. In a salon where things can get busy and chaotic quickly, it’s critical to have set rules for your staff and clients in order to keep things running as smoothly as possible.

Salon managers and owners are also responsible for managing many different personalities at a salon, and setting rules can help managers set the tone and create a workforce that abides by directions and works together cohesively.

modern salon station

Why It’s Important to Implement Rules

Rules prompt order and organization . Imagine if there weren’t any rules and people could do whatever they wanted at any time. This could create a lot of chaos — especially in a busy salon. Rules are like boundaries in the sense that they are important to set and to have, and they can be found everywhere.

In salons, you have people from all walks of life, each with their own personality, work ethic and goals. When it comes to your employees, they most likely show up to work because they love their job and because they have to. They arrive at a certain time because that’s when their clients and you expect them to be there. They clean up their salon stations because they are told to do so by their peers or by management. But imagine if none of those rules existed and, instead, your salon employees showed up to work whenever they wanted and didn’t clean because they didn’t feel like it. It would be nearly impossible to run a business.

How to Enforce Rules

No one wants to micro-manage their employees as most employees don’t want to be micro-managed either. However, aside from setting rules, they also need to be enforced. How do you go about enforcing rules so that they are effectively followed in a salon? Here are some ways you can keep rules top of mind.

Simple Rules Your Salon Should Have

In order to keep your business running smoothly, salon organized, clients happy and your people feeling fulfilled, here are some simple rules to implement. Consultant, educator, and Minerva's Director of Corporate Relations Jeff Grissler does a great job of breaking down salon rules and how they benefit your salon.

professional asian hairdresser

Every salon is unique, and while many of these rules are universal, feel free to add in rules that apply to your salon and people specifically.

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