Florida Sublease Agreement

Florida Residential Sublease Agreement Template_1 on iPropertyManagement.com

The Florida sublease agreement is a legal contract that allows a tenant to rent out all or a portion of the property to a subtenant in exchange for regular payments.

Does a Tenant Need the Landlord’s Permission to Sublet in Florida?

In Florida, a tenant does need a landlord’s explicit written permission to sublet. Even after consent is given, a landlord still has the right to reject a subtenant if they are unqualified, such as for having a bankruptcy or poor references. Read More

Standardized Florida Sublease Agreements

Tax Implications of a Sublease in Florida

In Florida, a sublessor may be subject to taxes if they sublet a property for any period of 185 days or less. Taxes may include:

Frequently Asked Questions

Is subletting legal in Florida? Is subletting legal in Florida? Yes, subletting is legal in Florida. If, however, the master lease agreement prohibits subleasing, then a tenant will not be allowed to sublet the rental unit. If tenants are allowed to sublet, they should ensure that subleasing doesn’t violate housing or occupancy regulations. Read more »