How Much Is a Speeding Ticket in Los Angeles County?

Getdismissed | CA Traffic Ticket Dismissal Service

Getting a speeding ticket might not seem like a big deal since it can’t put you in jail, but it’s the cost that is frustrating. Some people think paying the fine will make the ticket go away, but the truth is that it can affect your wallet in multiple ways. That is why it’s important to not simply accept the ticket but fight the ticket and its consequences. So how much is a speeding ticket in Los Angeles County and how can I get it dismissed?

The True Cost of a Speeding Ticket in LA County

So, exactly how much is a speeding ticket in Los Angeles County? It’s more than you might think if you haven’t already experienced it. If you are facing a speeding ticket, you are only seeing the ticket cost and not everything else that can impact you financially.

The cost of a ticket itself averages $710 on an infraction that has a base fine of $35. There are state and Los Angeles county-mandated penalties that are assessed in addition to the base fine. However, here is how the base fine is determined:

Speeding ticket los angeles

In addition to the base fine, there is a 20% surcharge on the traffic ticket. The additional fees include:

If you are caught speeding in a construction zone, the costs completely change. Driving up to 15 mph over the speed limit can net a fine of $367. Going 25 mph or more can make the base fine $532.

Factor in the average $160 per year increase in auto insurance that lasts for at least 36 months and the costs become even greater. If your job requires a clean driving record, You could lose your job or limit your earning capacity by not being able to acquire a job that requires a perfect driving record. The mark on your driver’s license has its consequences even after you’ve paid every cent of the fines.

Getting a Speeding Ticket Dismissed in Los Angeles County

Fortunately, receiving a speeding ticket doesn’t have to be the financial headache that it has the potential to be. It’s possible to fight the ticket and have it dismissed, especially with the help and resources offered by Get Dismissed. This program eliminates the confusion that’s usually involved in fighting a traffic ticket. For instance, did you know that you could fight a ticket in writing without stepping foot in court?

That’s OK if you didn’t.

Thanks to Vehicle Code Section 40902, you can fight without the inconvenient and embarrassing court appearance. The name for this is “Trial by Written Declaration” and the Get Dismissed system allows drivers to take advantage of this step-by-step.

The system also completes paperwork by asking you questions so you don’t have to mull over the complexities. There are many occasions when a traffic ticket is assessed without just cause. Written statements from witnesses and yourself might be what is needed for a judge to dismiss the ticket, especially when it is a case of your word or the words of several against the officer that made the traffic stop. Those documents can be uploaded to the GetDismissed system so everything is packaged properly.

Don’t Pay a Ticket That Can Be Dismissed

In the end, the question shouldn’t be “how much is a speeding ticket in Los Angeles County?” The question should be “how do I get out of a speeding ticket?” It can seem as if there is no way out, but you will be surprised at what can be done to keep you from having to pay the costs and the collateral consequences speeding tickets impose on California drivers. GetDismissed has the tools that you need for just a fraction of the cost of the ticket. You can get started online today or call 800-580-3769 to protect your wallet, insurance rates, and driving record.